Many people wonder where you can find a co2 jet rental / cryo jet rental company in the United States. Whether your on the east coast or the west, finding the right place that has the option to rent co2 jets can be a little tough. After some time searching you will eventually come across CryoFX, which offers a full line of
co2 jets for rent in Los Angeles and California, as well as San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix and the surrounding areas.
When selecting a co2 jet rental company you want to be sure that not only the prices are fair but also the knowledge of the products is present. Many Cryo Jet rental companies will rent co2 jets and handheld Cryo guns and inform you of the basics, but when you have a question regarding a specific detail or how to setup a Co2 Jet System that you've just rented, the answers you receive may be vague or misleading. This shouldn't scare you completely but should be a concern when initially choosing a Cryo jet rental as safety should be first and foremost.
Due to the fact co2 jet rentals can be used for almost any application, selecting a Cryo Jet Rental company, such as
CryoFX, that has a wide variety of knowledge is always a plus. This would include applications such as the obvious; Djs, Nightclubs, And Bars and also the non obvious; Movies, Theaters, Schools, etc. As shown, the wider variety of events a co2 jet rental company has actually setup and assisted in, instead of just renting the gear to the client, the more knowledgeable the employees as well as the company as a whole is as they have had the opportunity to trouble shoot, work with, and overcome many obstacles a setup location may present.
Another huge factor in selecting a Cryo Jet rental company is obviously if they are close to pickup the equipment. If the company is not close enough this might be a determining factor whether you can actually rent the co2 jets or not. Another benefit to renting from a
co2 jet rental company such as CryoFX is their ability to ship the gear to you regardless of where you are located within the United States. Under their rent-to-own program you can essentially rent the gear with no obligation to buy. The rental is charged per day and you can return the co2 jets whenever you want. Of course, once the rental rate equals the cost of the product, there would be no need to return it as you would now officially own it! Having a Cryo jet rental with the option to buy is a great way to test the product in a live setting without being locked into actually purchasing it. There have been many times when those have wanted any type of equipment and only get to test it in a store or controlled environment but when you buy it, it is simply not the same as when you saw it in the store. Therefore CryoFX has created this rent-to-own program so your co2 jet rental can be tested in real-time, real-location settings!